
Friday, March 12

Sprained Ankles, the Bus, and Rude Young Girls

So a few weeks ago i sprained my ankle...getting off the bus. Lying on the hard pavement, with people stepping over me, I mourned the loss of that thing called courtesy.

As a young girl glanced disdainfully down on me, asking in loud voice, "What's wrong with her?!", I blushed, because for a moment I felt that I was in the wrong. How dare I sprain my ankle and get in her way?

Anyways, the point I am trying to make is that young people today have had no courtesy or respect beaten into them with a wooden spoon as I or my siblings have. Instead they flit around thinking about...themselves.

How sad.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love our culture? Hey but not too long ago, a young guy held a door for me!
